Hawzah News Agency (Qom, Iran) – The Qur’an is the very word of God; a complete record of the exact words revealed by Almighty God through the Archangel Gabriel to His Last Messenger. This holy book is not just a torch of guidance for afterlife, and if you look at it close enough, you would find important massages for living in this life as well.
Here we are going to present some informative Articles about how you can relate on the verses of Qur’an in real life which potentially would lead to solving your personal and social problems and having a very spiritual and beautiful life by accepting God’s commands:
Some people will never come to mosque. They will never listen to a minister or cleric. They are not reading Qur’an. They are reading your life. They are watching how you live. So being excellent in your life is one of the best witnesses you could ever have. When you have a spirit of excellence, you do more than you have to. You may say, “I am declaring Gods favor.” It is great but not enough. That is one part of it but the second part is: Are you getting to work on time? Are you doing more than you have to? Are you better this year than you were last year?
Know that you live in a very competitive marketplace. Therefore, you shall race towards forgiveness from your Lord and the garden of paradise whose width is equal to the vastness of the heavens and the earth altogether, and is prepared for those who believe in God and His Messengers. That is the grace of God, which He bestows on whom He wills; and God is dispenser of a great grace. (Qur’an; 57:21)
If you are at the same skill level today that you were five years ago, you are at a disadvantage. Imam Sadiq (peace be upon him) said, “a person who his two days are the same is at a disadvantage.” You need to take steps to grow. Whatever you do get better at it. Do not get stagnant. An excellent person keeps growing. There is always room for improvement. You can always get better; more effective, more skilled; make in a greater difference. You are always taking steps to improve and looking for ways that you can be better. Favor and excellence go hand in hand. Increase, promotion, reaching your highest potential, it is all tied to a spirit of excellence.
Author: Abolfazl Sabouri
Meditation on God's word
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